Process for constructing a pond
If you live in DeKalb County and plan on constructing a pond please follow the steps below:
Obtain an Improvement Location Permit from DeKalb County Development Services
depending on the size of pond a Special Exemption Permit may be required from the DeKalb County Plan Commission.
All ponds, no matter the size, need to be at the appropriate set-back distance. The DeKalb County Development Services office has information for set-back requirements.
Obtain a Pond Permit from the DeKalb County Surveyor’s Office.
All pond construction is required to obtain a permit before earthwork begins.
Any project that will disturb 1 acre or more of land is required to comply with the Construction Stormwater General Permit and submit a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan to the DeKalb County Soil & Water Conservation District for review. More details concerning compliance below.
You may need to contact the Army Corps of Engineers to check for potential regulated wetlands at the proposed pond site. The South Bend district office for the Army Corps of Engineers covers DeKalb County. Located at 2422 Viridian Dr, Ste 101, South Bend, IN 46628: 574-232-1952
Pond Management
Listed below are several guides regarding pond management focusing on plants, fish, and insects
What is the Construction Stormwater General Permit?
As of December 18, 2021, Indiana no longer administers the construction stormwater program under Indiana Administrative Code (327 IAC 15-5 or Rule 5). Permitting coverage is now issued under the Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSGP). The CSGP is a performance-based regulation designed to reduce pollutants that are associated with construction and/or land-disturbing activities.
The requirements of the Construction CSGP applies to all persons who are involved in construction activity (which includes clearing, grading, excavation and other land-disturbing activities) that results in the disturbance of one (1) acre or more of total land area. If the land-disturbing activity results in the disturbance of less than one (1) acre of total land area but is part of a larger common plan of development or sale, the project must obtain permit coverage under the CSGP.
Construction Stormwater General Permit Requirements
If you are planning on constructing a pond, depending on the size, it is likely you will need to comply with The Construction Stormwater General Permit. Any project that will disturb one acre or more of land is required to comply with the Construction Stormwater General Permit. Use the following link to get more information on what needs to be included in your total land disturbance calculation.
Compliance will require:
The submittal of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) to the DeKalb County Soil & Water Conservation District for review
Filing a Notice of Intent (NOI) with filing fee and proof of publication of a public notice in a locally circulating newspaper to IDEM
if within City of Auburn limits, a local filing fee is also required. See City of Auburn Storm Water Runoff Control Ordinance.
Upholding all erosion and sediment control measures laid out in the submitted SWP3 for the duration of the project
What is a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan?
A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) addresses how erosion and sediment control measures will be implemented and maintained to prevent off-site sedimentation. And, to identify all pollutants associated with construction activities and post-construction land use.
An SWP3 has 23 required elements that are broken into 3 sections that need to be included. Section C “Post-construction Component” is not required for pond developments. Linked below is guidance for all required elements.
What is a Notice of Intent?
A Notice of Intent (NOI) is form submitted to IDEM after approval of the SWP3. A $100 filing fee and proof of publication of a public notice in a locally circulating newspaper are required with the submission of the NOI. For more details about the NOI
What is a Notice of Termination?
A Notice of Termination (NOT) is a form that can be submitted to IDEM (a copy should also be sent to our office) once construction is complete and all disturbed land is stabilized and established. For more details about the NOT