Construction Stormwater General Permit
As of April 18, 2023, The DeKalb County Soil & Water Conservation District has updated fee schedule for Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) reviews. Please see information below under SWP3 Submittal Process.
Construction Stormwater General Permit
As of December 18, 2021, Indiana no longer administers the construction stormwater program under Indiana Administrative Code (327 IAC 15-5 or Rule 5). Permitting coverage is now issued under the Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSGP). The CSGP is a performance-based regulation designed to reduce pollutants that are associated with construction and/or land-disturbing activities.
IDEM is still in the process of transitioning to the new permit. More information about the transition can be found here.
If you have projects that were formerly permitted under 327 IAC 15-5 please be looking out for an email that contains the Notice of Intent - Continuation of Coverage. By filing this form with IDEM you agree to comply with the new permit and your project gains coverage under the permit while keeping the same permit number and effective dates. There is no fee that needs to be submitted with the form.
Construction Stormwater General Permit Resouces
For more information on the Construction Stormwater General Permit please reference the resources below. IDEM’s webpage for Construction/Land Disturbance Permitting has any and all information about the permit.
SWP3 Submittal Process
As of April 18, 2023, The DeKalb County Soil & Water Conservation District has updated the fee schedule for Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) reviews. Our hope with this fee is to further fund our increasingly popular Cost Share Program and implement additional conservation practices in DeKalb County.
Our review fee is $100 per disturbed acre for Commercial, Industrial, Residential, and Municipal developments. Partial acres will round to the next whole acre for the review fee (if disturbed acreage is 2.5 acres the review fee will be $300). For private residence location improvements like barns or ponds the fee is $100 for 1 - 24.99 acres, $200 for 25 - 49.99 acres, $300 for 50 - 249.99 acres, and anything over 250 acres is $350 + $5 per acres over 250.
*Note: This fee is only for projects inside the DeKalb County limits that are not located in the Auburn MS4 area. The City of Auburn MS4 has it’s own Stormwater Ordinance and fee schedule.
SWP3s can be submitted to the DeKalb County SWCD electronically via email or mailed to our office. If you have any questions regarding plan submittals please contact Cameron Straw.
Email: cstraw@co.dekalb.in.us Phone: (260) 925-5620 EXT 3
*Be sure to include SWP3 review fee with plan submittal. The plan review cannot be completed without submittal of fee. This fee is only for projects inside the DeKalb County limits that are not located in the Auburn MS4 area. The City of Auburn MS4 has it’s own Stormwater Ordinance and fee schedule.
2. The DeKalb County SWCD has 28 calendar days to review the submitted plan and either approve or request revisions.
*A public notice must be posted either on the project site or on a local, state, or federal governmental agency’s public website 10 days prior to filing the Notice of Intent (NOI). If either of these situations are not viable then a public notice must published in a newspaper of general circulation in the affected areas for at least one day.
3. Once the SWP3 is approved by the SWCD the NOI and IDEM filing fee ($175) can be submitted to IDEM. This permit is effective for 5 years, and will need renewed if the project will surpass 5 years.
*Developments within the city limits of Auburn are required to comply with the local Storm Water Runoff Control Ordinance. A fee is required for compliance with the MS4. Questions or concerns regarding the ordinance can be directed to Drew Wallace, MS4 Coordinator for The City of Auburn.
4. Construction may begin 48 hours after submitting NOI.